
本家の I18N-ML に以下のような投稿があった。

Subject: Fwd: Re: ddtp.d.o is not alive
From: "Daniel Mac鹽o Batista" <danielmb@debian-ba.org>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:52:46 -0300 (BRT)

Hi to all!

Are there in this list persons involved with ddtp? ddtp.debian.org is not
alive since the problem on gluck. I sent emails to debian-devel list and
I noted that there are no DD's worry about DDTP.

And here? Is there anybody that account DDTP like a important think to
debian? Or I'm wasting my time?

I forward below the last reply on the debian-devel list.

Best regards!

--- Mensagem Original ---
Data: 4/17/2005
De: "Jeroen van Wolffelaar" <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>
Assunto: Re: ddtp.d.o is not alive

On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 10:19:44AM -0300, Daniel Mac?do Batista wrote:
> Any news?
> Will be solved?

It seems as if no DD is genuinly interested in taking up the ddtp
project, at least, nobody stepped up yet.

This might have to do with the fact that there is no way decided yet on
how to propagate those translations to the actual users, and as such, it
isn't relevant to the upcoming release.

I think it's best to start a discussion after sarge is released how to
properly implement this. For the time being, it seems to be that it'd be
better to maintain ddtp for now yourselves on some own host, or on
alioth, because I don't otherwise see any progress happening soonishly.
You might by the way also try to ask directly the opinion of the i18n
mailinglist: http://lists.debian.org/debian-i18n/, which is much more
ontopic for your inquiries.


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jeroen@wolffelaar.nl (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

Hmm... DDTP に真剣に関心を持ってくれている開発者が少ないのは事実だろう。かつてはフレーム騒ぎもあったし。
いかにして翻訳成果を本家に取り込むかについての議論も、sarge のリリース後でないとダメだね、という Jeroen 氏の御意見にも同意。
俺としては、できるだけ早く、普段の作業を行なえる場所が用意されて欲しい。alioth については 2005/1/17 付の上川さんの日記が参考になるが、DDTP というプロジェクトが移住するメリット・デメリットはよく判らない。
とりあえず、Daniel 氏に "御苦労様。俺も心配してるよ。" と激励はしてみよう。この件について、俺にできることには何があるのだろうか?

"grisu 氏ハ何処ニ有リヤ。全こーでぃねーたハ知ラント欲ス。"